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Botany wuluh starfruit (averrhoa bilimbi L.)

Wuluh starfruit (averrhoa bilimbi L.) is a native plant Indonesia and Malaya. Wuluh starfruit are classified as follows:

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: spermatophyte
Class: dicotyledonae
Family: oxalidaceae
Order: geraniales
Genus: averrhoa
Species: avverhoa bilimbi L.

Wuluh starfruit can be planted in the lowlands to a height of 000-700 m above sea level. Terms grow wuluh starfruit is loose soil in order to drain the excess water and hold water in the dry season with a spacing of 5X5 or 6x6 m. If the requirements are filled starfruit grow, you will get an average yield of 300 per year of star fruit (Tohir, 1978).

Plants of wuluh starfruit better grown open with the intensity of full sunlight throughout the day. wuluh starfruit plants can be cultivated by generative, namely sowing seeds or by vegetative means, namely through cuttings and transplantation.

Height of wuluh starfruit plants can reach 10-15 m with pinnate compound leaf traits. Wuluh starfruit plants having star-shaped flowers, clustered small red and yellow. Wuluh starfruit fruit oval, watery, sour taste, and there are many seeds in the fruit. While still young, star fruit, dark green and then gradually becomes yellowish when reaching adulthood (Winarto and Team Karyasarim, 2003).
Nowadays, in addition to be used as a spice in the kitchen that can add flavor cuisine, wuluh starfruit is also used as a traditional herb. One generation to the generation, the fruit wuluh starfruit has been used as medicine to cure ulcers, hypertension, aching rheumatic pain, cough, rheumatism, toothache, and acne (Winarto and Team Karyasari, 2003).

Wuluh starfruit can be used as an inhibitor of browning reactions (browning) enzymatically on fruits and vegetables such as apples and potatoes because they contain components of saponins, tannins, glycosides, calcium oxalate, sulfur, formic acid, peroxide and citric acid.