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Advantages of Micro bubble in Fish Farming - Fish farming has a bad reputation. Even tough, fish farming has become indispensable. It is important as a stable source of food supply, although it creates problems of wastes in the water column and around the net pens and the deposition of organic particles on the sea floor below the net pens as a result of consuming large amounts of food and discharging large amounts of waste outside the net pens in the form of feces and food residues. Moreover, under the eutrophic conditions, bacterial decomposition and respiration by photo-plankton consume dissolved oxygen and cause oxygen deficiency in the fish farming environment. Deficient dissolved oxygen level exert bad influences on feeding, food conversion, growth and health of farming fishes, and then various aeration and oxygenation devices have been developed for improvement of the DO level in the fish farm. Micro-bubble is the term used to describe minute particles of gas with a diameter of less than 50 microns in the water. The micro bubbles, which contain oxygen, can remain suspended in the water for an extended period. Gradually, the gas within the micro bubbles dissolves into the water and the bubbles disappear.

A micro-nanobubble (MNB) is a bubble that ranges in diameter from 0.1 micrometers to 10.0 micrometers. MNBs technology has attracted much interest in bio-related areas such as bioremediation, aquaculture and plant cultivation. MNBs are superior to macro-bubbles because they have larger interfacial area, higher inner pressure, lower rising velocity in water, long lifetime and high mass transfer efficiency. Also, the generation method of MNBs has an impact on their properties. All these factors will dramatically improve dissolved oxygen supply.

There are many benefits of micro bubble technology (in the range of 5-50 microns) when applied to the freshwater aquaculture sector.

  1.     Increase of Yield
  2.     Enhances Health and Growth
  3.     Minimizes Stress for Aquatic life
  4.     Decrease in Mortality Rate
  5.     Improvement of Water Quality
  6.     Prevention of Pathogens and Redtide
  7.     Healing Effect
  8.     Ideal for Intensive Aquaculture
Micro/nano bubbles have unique charaterisitcs–
  • High Surface Area to Volume – increased contact area for oxygen transfer – high air-water interface area.
  • Low rise rates – increased time for gas transfer.
  • Negative charge – limits coalescence of bubbles.
  • Self pressurisation of bubbles with decreasing size – increased dissolution.​
Compared to bubbles generated by diffusers, microbubble/nano bubbles have 6 times the surface area and 36 times lower rise rates. Following on from pilot scale evaluations, in both aquaculture and wastewater treatment sectors, the potential benefits of microbubble technologies can to be applied in aeration, oxygenation, degassing, MBBR aeration, i.e. a singular technology for multiple applications within the freshwater aquaculture industry. Microbubble technology has potential to deliver four-fold increase on Standard Aeration Efficiency over Oxygen cones.

Advantages for fish farms are –

  •     Increased aeration/oxgenation efficiency.
  •     Reduced power consumption.​
  •     Improved water quality and singular technology for multiple processes.

Micro bubbe not only treats wastewater but also can be effectively used in various aquaculture applications. Whether used in saltwater or freshwater ponds and commercial or private use, micro bubble will guarantee the best health and production yields for fish farming without the use of chemicals in the water.