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Pros and Cons of Automatic Irrigation System

An automatic irrigation system helps to meet more accurately all the watering needs of your plants. It conserves water, saves time and money  while achieving the greenest, healthiest, and most beautiful yard.

Besides, improvements in the irrigation field include rain and moisture sensors. So, in other words, if it’s raining, your automatic irrigation system won’t start. But if the moisture sensors find out that the soil is dry, the automated irrigation system will fire up, delivering the needed amount of water for your plants to thrive.

Today, we'll talk about the advantages of installing an automatic irrigation system.

It’s generally not very difficult for beginning farmers or gardeners who’ve recently had their land yards to get outside and water their plants. Watching new plants or baby sprouts grow can be more than enough motivation to make sure they’re getting plenty of water and fertilizer. Eventually, however, the novelty of watering one’s plants by hand may wear off, or a yard or garden will just be too big to manage watering single-handedly—or even with the help of family members. Installing an automatic irrigation system can allow your plants to continue receiving the individual attention they deserve while freeing up time for you and your family to do other things.

Advantages of Installing Automatic Irrigation Systems

The most vital part in the automation of a irrigation system is the controller. The controller is a small computer that oversees the timing and activation of the irrigation system. Farmers/gardeners can set a schedule for your irrigation system so that it starts automatically.

An automatic irrigation system takes much of the work out of watering a landscape. Some can also be fitted to deliver fertilizer and weed-prevention products to a lawn. But before any digging takes place, you might want to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of irrigation systems.These are the top 6 problems solved by installing an automated irrigation system:

1. Irrigation that Saves Time

One of the most obvious advantages is the time savings afforded by an automatic irrigation system. Once installed, many systems can be set to a timer to water at specific time intervals and on certain days of the week. This means there's no need to worry about forgetting to water the lawn and coming back from vacation to find crisp, yellow grass.

The trouble with watering is that it can be time-consuming and not as reliable as a programmed sprinkler, especially if your idea of watering is standing outside with the hose. One of the pros of installing an automatic irrigation system is that it saves time without fear of disturbing your works. So, instead of investing your time watering your garden with a hose, you can allow your automatic irrigation system to step out and do the work for you.

By installing an automatic irrigation system allows you to keeping your plants in good health. You’ll have plenty of time to do the things you love or sharing time and great moments with your loved ones. No matter if you’re out of town, at work, or asleep, your plants will get what it needs to thrive.This means you can water plants when you’re out of town, at work, or asleep.

2. Save Water while Keeping a Lush Lawn
One of the advantages of installing an automatic irrigation system is that it saves a lot of water. When you have your automated irrigation / sprinkler system installed by a professional, you ensure that:

  • Water is distributed efficiently through the nozzles.
  • Only areas that need water, receive it. (Your sidewalk does not need watering)
  • Your lawn is watered during the ideal times by installing a timer. For instance, watering early in the morning prevents much of the evaporation and distribution by air.

Automated irrigation systems are also a fantastic way to save water, particularly if you have a root zone system installed. Because plants take in water through their roots, the closer to their roots the water originates, the more water they are able to absorb before it evaporates or just travels away. Systems can even be installed in such a way as to avoid runoff, which is a major water waster.

All of the above adds to significant savings on your water bill over the years. An automatic irrigation system won’t irrigate your yard when there are heavy rains, unstoppable light showers; thus, it helps to save water. It provides your plants the right amount of water at the most needed moment or scheduled hour.

3. Healthy lawn

Like most ailments, prevention is much less costly than the cure. If you water and care for your lawn properly, you are much less likely to have to spend on replacing it or to bring it back to life. When using a hose to water your lawn, you risk the chance of uneven watering as described above. Besides causing your water to be used inefficiently, it also can case the soil to not retain nutrients, and therefore wither. A professionally-installed sprinkler system can help ensure that your soil and thus your lawn continue to be healthy.

4. Achieve a Thriving Yard while Saving Money

Automated irrigation systems save time and money as long as they are programmed to make the most of the conditions in your yard or garden. It is possible to install an effective system yourself, or a local Best Pick sprinkler system professional can install one for you and answer any questions you have along the way.

We are sure you have heard of the saying that goes: “time is money.” An automatic irrigation system not only saves you time, but also it saves a lot of water.

5. Prevents uneven watering

In addition to reducing the cost of your water bills and keeping your lawn healthy, the right automated irrigation system can prevent uneven watering. When you install automatic irrigation systems, the design of layout may cause water to flow and distribute the water where it needs to go and does so evenly, getting properly absorbed into the soil, and preventing over or under-watering.

The system can be positioned so that water is more effectively targeted where it is needed. Nozzles can be adjusted, and underground drip tubes will deliver water right to the roots, rather than spraying walkways and driveways.

6. More Safely and Good View

Another advantage is that automatic irrigation systems are generally hidden from view, which means there are no unsightly hoses stretched across the lawn and no more tripping hazards. Sprinkler heads pop up to spray and then retract when the job is done. Underground drip systems do their work out of view. For families with young children and pets who share outdoor spaces, automatic systems may be a safer option.

Disadvantages of Automatic Irrigation Systems

The primary disadvantage associated with a sprinkler system is the expense. These systems can be quite costly depending on the size of the property. Furthermore, portions of the lawn will have to be dug up to install pipework and attach it to the plumbing system of the home. This can equate to days or weeks without use of the yard. Afterward, the landscaping will have to be repaired.

It is best to install an irrigation system before installing sod or extensive landscaping because some of it will have to be torn up. Homeowners who already have pristine yards may be turned off by this reality.

Even the most efficient sprinkler systems can have their pitfalls. Wind can wreak havoc on sprinklers, directing water in the wrong direction. Underground pests may damage water-delivery systems, resulting in water pooling or broken parts. The repairs to fix an irrigation system can be much more costly than replacing a damaged garden hose.


Thus, automated irrigation systems can save farmers the trouble of even having to think about watering their crops, although checking up on each plant occasionally to make sure the sprinkler system is doing its job is highly recommended. Because automated irrigation systems are usually intended to fertilize plants as well as water them, they can also cut back the amount of time spent fertilizing by hand. Installers will tailor your automatic irrigation system layout to the various species of plants to ensure they all receive the appropriate amount of water and nutrients at the right frequency.